Our Corporate Documents

In the spirit of transparency and for the purpose of keeping stakeholders, investors and the general public informed we are starting to publish our company activities and important documents related to our supply chain …

Founded in 1994, Merchants of Green Coffee Inc. has been in action for nearly three decades, and we continue to grow and operate under our original mission, “to deliver the best-tasting coffee experience to discerning consumers through a supply chain with integrity and a unique commitment to quality”.


Merchants of Green Coffee

(Click to download)

Our decade-defining 2020 Vision sets out the next stages of our journey to deliver better tasting coffee while mitigating climate change.

Cafe Solar®

US Forestry Services Sustainable Coffee Scientific Field Report March 2020 Honduras
(Click to download)

US Forest Services 2019 report on migratory birds and support for Integrated Open Canopy® (IOC) coffee farming.

Cafe Solar®

(Click to download)

Official Cafe Solar q-grade results from this ’19/20 harvest.

Cafe Solar®

(Click to download)

Official ICAFE q-grade results from this ’19/20 harvest.

Cafe Solar®

(Click to Download)

We make regular purchases of carbon offsets from Cafe Solar®’s forest restoration tied to coffee production model (Yoro Biological Corridor).

Merchants’ Company Resources

The following publications inform our decisions around coffee and we recommend them as credible sources of unbiased coffee information.

Image of the hardcover book "Coffee Technology" by Michael Sivetz
Front cover of “Coffee Technology” by Michael Sivetz (version 1979).

Coffee Processing Technology (1963)
by Michael Sivetz

Image of the book "Coffee Quality" by Michael Sivetz
Front cover of “Coffee Quality” by Michael Sivetz (version 1987).

Coffee Quality (1987)
by Michael Sivetz