ACE Brewer – $20 (wholesale)


SKU: S1-4-E3-B01-2MWB-W1 Category:

Most coffee packaging comes with a major environmental footprint. Plastic + foil-lined bags (used extensively in specialty coffee & tea) cannot be recycled and last for years in landfills ...

We haves a strict ‘no plastic policy’ and we have been selling our coffees in what we like to call “premium brown bags” for over 25 years. (And we operate almost 100% plastic-free ... packaging always being an area for improvement)

Our "premium brown bags" are composed of 100% natural materials: post-consumer kraft paper, PLA (corn-based) lining, and a tin-tie. To recycle: Remove the tin-tie and recycle the bag.

A label/seal is required to ensure our coffees are fresh, traceable, and free from tampering. Our standard Merchants’ label/seal is composed of paper, adhesive, and ink; and can be recycled along with the bag.